CGCC Provides Guarantee Management System “GMS” Sharing and Training Sessions to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs)

CGCC has​ developed the very first Guarantee System which is under the name of Guarantee Management System “GMS” that allows all Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs) to submit all requests especially Guarantee Application processes and other transactions to CGCC through digitalization.

The GMS provides automation and streamlining to support all users by reducing the manual works for PFIs and CGCC giving the accessibility and coordination to provide Guarantee Loans fast with accuracy and security to PFIs.

CGCC has conducted training sessions about the system within 7 weeks which were starting from 05th July 2023 until 10th August 2023 at CGCC Office to 21 PFIs by having attendees in total of 80 management & staff from the PFIs.

CGCC Provides Guarantee Management System "GMS" Sharing and Training Sessions to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs)
CGCC Provides Guarantee Management System “GMS” Sharing and Training Sessions to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs)
CGCC Provides Guarantee Management System "GMS" Sharing and Training Sessions to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs)
CGCC Provides Guarantee Management System “GMS” Sharing and Training Sessions to Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs)

Click here to learn more about: Dissemination Seminar on “Guaranteed Loans to Support the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises” in Pailin Province

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