CGCC Provides $149M Credit Support
October 19, 2023Latest News
In a bid to give a much-needed boost to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) has infused credit guarantees of as much as $149 million as of September 2023. A report issued on October 17 revealed 1,762 businesses benefited from them.
“The Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia has provided guarantees for $149 million in loans for business, investment and business expansion capital to support large, micro and small businesses,” said a report.
A CGCC report put the total outstanding guaranteed loans at $111 million and outstanding guaranteed amount at $80 million. It also put the number of MSMEs at 1,617 and large entities at 145, with 741 being women-owned.
The CGCC scheme involves 27 participating financial institutions (PFIs) to extend credit as working capital investment and business expansion to SMEs.
A Ministry of Economy and Finance undertaking, CGCC was the first credit guarantee institution in the Kingdom set up in August 202 at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The CGCC guarantee ensures easy credit for SMEs and a bigger market for their products, said Te Taing Por, President of the Federation of Association for Small and Medium Enterprises of Cambodia (FASMEC).
“Credit guarantee from the Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia is an opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises, members of FASMEC, who are facing a lack of collateral to access financing to expand their business,” Taing Por said.
Smooth loan distribution has boosted entrepreneurship and financial inclusion said Mey Vann, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Credit to: Khmer Times, Published on 19 October 2023