Study Tour to Agricultural Cooperatives and Microfinance Institutions’ Branches in Kampong Cham Province
December 23, 2022Events and Activities
From December 20 to 21, 2022, CGCC team got the chance to join the Study Tour to Kampong Cham Province, co-organized by Cambodia Microfinance Association (CMA), and the Cambodia Agricultural Cooperative Alliance (CACA) to Agricultural Cooperatives (ACs) and branches of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs)in Kampong Cham to understand the situations and the access to finance challenges of ACs for developing and enhancing agricultural loan products and building network between ACs,MFIs, and related stakeholders.

This study tour was organized for three days to visit three ACs in Prey Chhor, Stung Trang, and Cheung Prey districts. In addition, the team also got the chance to visit AMK in Skun, Chamroeun MFI, and LOLC, in Kampong Cham City. Meanwhile, CGCC is pleased to be a part of this study tour and explored various agendas related to financing and market in the agricultural sector. This input will be a key instrument for CGCC in developing strategies to further support the ACs that lack collaterals for pledging at the Financial Institutions (FIs), especially from MFIs.

Click here to read more about: CGCC Annual Staff Retreat 2022